New_USASOC__DUIThe moving finger writes, and having writ, moves on:

Lt. Gen. Charles T. Cleveland will relinquish command of U.S. Army Special Operations Command to Lt. Gen. Kenneth E. Tovo during a traditional Army ceremony at Fort Bragg on July 1, 2015.

Cleveland has commanded USASOC since July 2012. Tovo has been serving as the Military Deputy Commander, U.S. Southern Command, Miami, Fla.

The traditional Army ceremony will take place at 8:30 a.m. on Meadows Field, at the USASOC headquarters.

USASOC is the Army component of the joint U.S. Special Operations Command and is among the most diverse organizations in the U.S. military, bringing a broad range of competencies and disciplines to support geographic combatant commanders and ambassadors worldwide.

LTG Cleveland presided over a reorientation of several Army special operations forces on long-neglected core competencies, notably UW/GW for Special Forces, which was his primary SOF background.

This entry was posted in Unconventional Warfare on by Hognose.

About Hognose

Former Special Forces 11B2S, later 18B, weapons man. (Also served in intelligence and operations jobs in SF).

4 thoughts on “Received from USASOC


LTG Cleveland presided over a reorientation of several Army special operations forces on long-neglected core competencies, notably UW/GW for Special Forces, which was his primary SOF background.

So, that means Cleveland’s the guy who is going to impose martial law on Texas and take away all our guns next month during Jade Helm?


Will it be a traditional Army ceremony?

Tim, ’80s Mech Guy

Put everybody in red stripper shoes and have a transgender Army Ceremony.


While the inside the box bound personnel at USASOC ACE earned my perpetual enmity (and oh how they knew it) due to their trying to stuff the genie back in the lamp, at least as of a year ago, the command as a whole don’t play that PC crap.