You may have seen this video already as it’s been going around. But it’s a collection tour of a collection that we can say with some confidence is deeper than yours… it’s sure as hell broader and deeper than ours.
Not all his descriptions are accurate. Can you spot his errors on the tank and the bombs? Those are a couple of the easy ones to catch.
He has a right to be proud of his collection though, that’s for sure. Heck, he’s lucky he has space to put it all… in any ordinary setting it would be a rather unique hoarder problem.

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
21 thoughts on “If You’re Prone to Collection Envy Syndrome, Don’t Watch This”
This is “down the road” from me. Been to the range there ONCE. No thanks.
Gotta wonder at some of the “information” the dude’s putting out too, what looks to be fuel tanks (or charitably MAYBE napalm tanks) are described as “bombs”. He’s somewhat in error about his T-54 too, far as I can tell. Dunno as I’d be storing old dynamite in a display case either, but I’m just a big ol fraidy-cat.
Yeah he’s got a bunch of crew-served and RR’s I’d like to have, and if I could swallow my misgivings AND wanted to give him a bunch of money I might go out there and rent a M1917,
Probly not. Place gives me the willies.
why does it give you the willies?
It’s just …weird. Driving up, there are all kinds of shot-up mannequins as “warnings” and no one is allowed in the range office with even a holstered firearm – though subsequent experience indicates this might not be a bad idea anyway; it does annoy ME . The range attracts (from my ONE experience there) vatos and gunshop commandos in significant numbers. Not worth another try since I’ve got a private place to shoot. I only went the one time because a friend invited me to meet him out there. He was late and long before he got there I’d decided to unass the AO. The RSO wasn’t a bad guy but he had his hands full dealing with dipshits.
and…One has to wonder how many of those Class III pieces actually fire.
I thought that class3 and/or destructive devices owners had to keep them in safes, in an alarmed area.
Impressive collection though.
Wonder what he paid for a Liberator pistol, in it’s original box, if it really is.
I wonder how much of his stuff is replicas/demilled/fires blanks on auto.
Kinda begs the definition of his definition of “fully functional”.
Ok…so he has at least one .50 cal that actually shoots.
I bet none or not much of that other stuff does.
Can you imagine the number of tax stamps, and permits needed for all of that stuff?…and for dynamite stored in a museum case.
Not going to happen. That’s illegal and this guy is surely an asshole.
I wonder if this fellow might be one of the kit, guns, and uniforms suppliers for Hollywood.
How did the guy make enough money to buy all that?
Prob that.
That’s illegal and this guy is surely an asshole, if what he says is true, implying that all his weapons shoot, and all his grenades, and 106 rounds, and ammo are live.
Well, he pointed out a bunch of blue-painted dummys (looked like fuel tanks actually, for F-100 vintage aircraft) and called them bombs. So he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
It’s hard to tell for sure, but that Beretta looks like it may have had the barrel threaded……
I haven’t been there since about 98. I went there 2-3 times to do some shooting and he had a pretty good sized collection then, I guess it’s grown some. He struck me as kind of a strange dude by any standard not just my own admittedly somewhat warped standard (my wife always says I’m a little different}.
Quite the collection no doubt.who in there right mind would put that out there on YouTube. Looks like it would make a hell of a heist target,especially if he’s worried about knocking the building down by bumping into it with his tank.
I wish the camera had lingered on some of the more rare uniforms and militaria and smaller stuff more than vehicles.
How big of a military unit so you think he could near completely equip Hognose?
I would be nervous as hell about just leaving that dynamite laying out in a show case if its real
One of these video’s was posted up on NCGO end of last year. Showed the civilian side of the collection. And I had the same thought then as I had watching this. It will be just like the Littlefield collection when he passes on. Scattered to the four winds and I suspect military EOD will be all over it clearing the ordinance.
Keep your powder dry and your faith in God.
Brings back memories of Small Arms Repair School at Aberdeen Proving Grounds—graduated in ’74. The jeep mounted M40 106 mm and M8C spotting rifle were the last weapons we were trained on. We were also the last class trained on the obsolete 3.5 inch bazooka. Still have my class notes. If you need your M40 tuned up, let me know.
Yeah what did they call those little inserts in the breech of the M40, that you replaced to tune it for the right backblast vs. recoil? Seen a few in non-US hands that would “recoil” forward from those being worn out.
Forgive me if I sound a bit fuzzy. I’m reading my original notes and the rest is from memory. My TM’s are packed in a box somewhere.
The vent ring assembly is crew adjustable.
1st adjust is at 1750 rounds: 8 turns.
2nd adjust is at 2250 rounds: 12 turns.
At 2500 rounds, replace the vent ring.
Inside the vent ring is the compensating ring (I think) with different numbers, but will have to dig up TM and refresh on that.
I also graduated in 1974 from that course and (given my at least equally fuzzy memory) your info looks correct.
Did y’all have to work on the Hispano-Suiza 20mm with the rotary feed?
Course taught me that I didn’t want anything to do with an Armor unit; those tank MG’s were EVIL.
Do tell. My diploma is dated June of ’74. Yeah, we did the 20mm. I remember the feed timing gears (Hey! that looks like the front of my Toyota.). The M-73 tank coax was an over engineered POS. We did that one in teams of four. After we had been through them a few times we did one last dis-assembly, (all nice and neatly laid out). Then they gave us a smoke break. When we come back in, all the parts were piled in a couple of cardboard boxes. One of the instructors had also taken his ball-point pen apart the tossed in the spring. He got it back eventually.
I remember two of the instructors—SFC Ryan (?) Army, about 6’5” with a badly scarred face, and a USMC SSG (name?) about 5’9” who put on quite a show constantly taking shit to each other. Good times.
Wow. In the Weapons course in Oct, 1983, they taught us how to do it by trial and error. (The same way we learned the book way to do headspace and timing on Browning MGs, and then how to do them by rule-of-thumb (a penny or nickel was involved) and also by sound, firing by hand with the backplate off.
I graduated in March or April. Haven’t seen my diploma for years – though being “Honor Grad” it was something I kept. I remember one tall Army SFC who was pretty salty – he was writing a book titled “From Land To Land”. His most memorable approbation was to refer to something as a “Communist C*cksucker”
IF we had Marine Instructors I don’t remember them – maybe we did when we broke off for the S&W Victory’s and the 870 (our doggie brothers had the Winchester 1200). We did the tank guns by ourselves; I remember the .50 cupola gun as even worse than the coax.
Speaking of the Victory’s; I’ve been working my courage up to taking the sideplate off a Model 10 – all that “stuff” inside convinced me I didn’t want to work in the Wing either.
Damn, just how many former 45Bs (now 91Fs) do we have running amok around here? 🙂
While my diploma says something like “Course MOS 45B20” I was a 2111, thank you very much.