The description of the accident is dry as dust. “Vehicle struck a pole.” Happens all the time, no?
A person was killed after a vehicle struck a utility pole in West Hollywood early Thursday morning, sheriff’s deputies said.
The crash was reported near Sunset Boulevard and Larrabee Street around 4:20 a.m. No other injuries were reported.
via 1 killed after vehicle hits utility pole in West Hollywood |
Here’s the picture.
This is not your everyday “vehicle struck a pole,” is it? There’s a story there that somehow didn’t make it into the news story; Lord knows what it was.
Of course, speculation can easily connect 4:20 AM, Judgment Juice® and “speed excessive for state of inebriation.” But it would only be speculation.

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
10 thoughts on “When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Utility Poles”
wait. Happened at 4:20 AM and was closed till 3:20 PM? it was closed for 11 HOURS for an investigation? what did they do use a 1 foot ruler to measure?
***A person was killed after a vehicle struck a utility pole in West Hollywood ***
First rule of pole dancing: Use enough vehicle:
maybe they were medicating… 😉
Dude I was around back then…actually knew the wife of the guy in the Hawaiian shirt.
TANKS for the memories.
West Hollywood. Win.
Pity it wasn’t a Prius, for the two-fer.
But the actual story is “Breakaway utility pole achor bolts fail, drunk driver killed anyways. City to be sued by outraged next of kin.”
And if you’re going to go motoring about in an M-60 series tank, remember to combat-lock the hatch, and don’t get high-centered on concrete K-rail.
what he said….
The linked article says:
A driver was killed after losing control and slamming into construction scaffolding, parking meters and a utility pole in West Hollywood early Thursday morning, sheriff’s deputies said.
Seems like he was going really fast to hit the pole that hard -after- the buffering of the other stuff.
you just can’t get good drugs anymore…
i blame Obama.
Drags don’t come back from Deadman’s Curve…
It’s no place to play…
…you’d best keep away.