Ah, the glories of single motherhood. One of these ennobled single moms, annoyed that her three-year-old made a mess, smothered the child — with what object, it isn’t clear, but possibly a work uniform shirt.
Mom? She was a “security guard.” Wow, we feel safer already.
A Pittsburgh-area woman who wrote on Facebook that “Mommy loves you, my angel” after her 3-year-old daughter was found dead in a ravine was sentenced Tuesday to 20 to 40 years behind bars for killing her.
Adriene Williams, 27, of Wilkinsburg, rejected a plea bargain that would have sent her to prison for 15 to 30 years. She was convicted at trial in August of third-degree murder and other charges in the death of her daughter, Adrionna.
Williams maintained her innocence Tuesday, but the judge was unmoved and handed down the maximum sentence.
“You took a baby out of safety, put her in harm’s way, then suffocated her,” Allegheny County Judge Anthony Mariani told her.
Prosecutors contend Williams asphyxiated Adrionna — they never said where or how — before leaving the girl’s body in a wooded area of Swissvale in June 2015. Williams’ attorney argued the failure to pinpoint exactly where and how the girl died meant Williams shouldn’t be convicted.
But prosecutors said a mountain of circumstantial evidence proved Williams killed he girl.
Surveillance video and cellphone records show Williams drove to and from the area where the girl’s body was found despite claiming she drove to work in a different area while the girl was at her grandmother’s house that day.
Police found several colored paper clips near the girl’s body similar to clips later found in Williams’ car. Also found in the car were small splotches of mud and Williams’ uniform shirt, which was stained with the girl’s DNA and watermelon — a treat the girl was eating just before she was last seen.
Police believe Williams left for work as a security guard only to have the girl follow her out onto the porch. Nobody saw what happened after that, though the girl’s grandmother, aunt and two cousins at the duplex all assumed Williams left for work, police said.
Family members recalled that Williams had seemed to be annoyed that her daughter needed help cleaning herself after using the bathroom shortly before Williams was supposed to leave for work. Prosecutors argued that Williams was overwhelmed being a single parent while working and studying for a criminal justice degree.
via Mom gets 20 to 40 years for death of toddler found in ravine | Daily Mail Online.
Sounds like the defense attorneys were forced into the Bang On The Table approach. That usually doesn’t end well, but as any lawyer would tell you, they’d win all their cases if it wasn’t for the damnable clients.

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started WeaponsMan.com in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
4 thoughts on “When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Smothers Little Helper”
“studying for a criminal justice degree”.
Don’t that just leave ya all warm and fuzzy.
Cop Wannabe…. What could be wrong with that. My wife and I both were stressed when our kids were little and we were working multiple jobs whilst going to school. Never once did the thought of putting a shirt over their cute but sometime annoying faces occur to us.
I wonder if there was a boyfriend in the picture who’s influence might have pushed certain buttons.
Then again, crazy is as crazy does.
It is just a retrograde abortion, so really, what is all the fuss? Why argue about the age of the person once you have made the first leap. I guess all lives do not matter.
N one gets angry when PP does it. whats the big fuss?
smothers little helper. hehe