Hey, if guns cause suicide attempts, then hand sanitizer caused this one:
A woman strolled into a U.S. congressman’s Chicago office Tuesday, chugged a bottle of hand sanitizer and then set herself on fire, police said.
The unidentified 43-year-old was seriously burned in the self-inflicted blaze inside U.S. Rep. Danny Davis’ office, but her condition stabilized, the Chicago Tribune reported.
“We really don’t know why,” Davis told the newspaper. “We don’t know her and we don’t know exactly what she may have been coming for.”
In a picture that the New York Daily News ran with the story, Davis looked puzzled, but then, it seems like puzzlement is his default expression. Think of it as the Congressional equivalent of Resting Bitch Face.
Office staffers said the woman spoke briefly with an employee around 3 p.m. in the office’s lobby before she picked up the bottle of disinfectant and started drinking it. She then poured some of the sanitizer on herself and set herself on fire with a lighter.
On the plus side, she was probably really clean just before she burned.
It’s probably cruel to laugh at the mentally ill, but then, we’re cruel, m’kay?
And if you can’t laugh at this, there’s something wrong with you:
Staffers tried to blast the woman with a fire extinguisher, but she ran out of the lobby while still smoldering.
That should answer the question for all you hornballs wondering, “Yes, but was he hot?”
And for those of you who insist that this is serious, we’ll admit that somebody agrees:
The woman was taken to the hospital in serious condition.
Now that’s capital-S Serious!
Lady, when you get out of the hospital, it’s time to claim your starter kit.
Not available in stores.
Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started WeaponsMan.com in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
2 thoughts on “When Guns are Outlawed, Only Outlaws will have Hand Sanitizer”
>Davis looked puzzled, but then, it seems like puzzlement is his default expression
Nonsense. That’s deep cogitation of a level of spiritual profundity unimaginable to the knuckle-dragging likes of you and me. Dr Davis has a PhD and personally crowned the soi disant “Messiah” Sun Myung Moon. Plus his congressional district is totally NOT gerrymandered so as to make it reliably Democrat.
But I think it’s time to ban high-capacity hand sanitizer containers.
“In a picture that the New York Daily News ran with the story, Davis looked puzzled, but then, it seems like puzzlement is his default expression. Think of it as the Congressional equivalent of Resting Bitch Face.”
Oh, well-played, sir!