We have found good information and argumentation on the CounterJihad.com site and its related YouTube channel. It had gone radio-silent after the election, and may be an Israeli-sponsored propaganda effort aimed at the election; despite that, it was generally right about the problems the USA has been having identifying with and targeting an enemy that has no comparable difficulty targeting us.
If it takes a gang of lobbyists whose paychecks ultimately get accounted in shekels to wake up America, about all we can say about that its, “Thanks, Israel.”
Of course, it could be part of the legendary Russian Scheme to Elect Trump. Russia, too, has problems with jihad and is amenable to making common cause with us, within limits. (The US, you will recall, sponsored an MB takeover of Egypt, and armed MB and Al-Q related terrorist groups in Libya and Syria, after exposing the secular/liberal opposition to Qaddafi and Assad to extermination by both sides).
So is it Jerusalem? The Kremlin? Huh. Maybe it’s just a bunch of patriotic Americans. Because on the issue of the global jihad, the policy that is best for Israel or Russia — to crush it utterly — is the policy that is best for the United States. Not to mention the UK, where The Religion Of Peace™ just perpetrated its only real sacrament, murder, again this week.
From our point of view, it’s very hard to quibble with their election-time Five Point Plan, only some parts of which are being executed already (despite resistance from extremists’ friends in the Deep State, the DC nonprofit/media nexus and among the post-American legal and judiciary element). Explained in a video, complete with portentous-toned narrator:
While the website hasn’t been touched since the election (cheapskate Israelis?), the YouTube channel showed a sign of life this month, posting a new video for the first time in six months. So keep an eye on Counter Jihad. Whoever is behind it, their message is one more Americans (and other Westerners) need to see.

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started WeaponsMan.com in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
6 thoughts on “Wednesday Weapons Website off the Week: CounterJihad”
Man, how many packs of cigarettes a day do you have to smoke to get that voice?
Why, are you asking for a friend, or is it rhetorical?
other than closing the borders, blowing up the mosques, and deporting all Muslims back to Sandyland – all good ideas – the best way to win the GreatWarOnTerror is to cancel it: stop blowing the Muslims out of their own countries on behalf of Zion-in-Palestine and the petrodollar.
***Of course, it could be part of the legendary Russian Scheme to Elect Trump. ***
I did notice that my ballot back last November was printed in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. I think I voted fore President Kaopectate, but I’m not real sure.ujahadin
Russia, too, has problems with jihad and is amenable to making common cause with us, within limits. (The US, you will recall, sponsored an MB takeover of Egypt, and armed MB and Al-Q related terrorist groups in Libya and Syria, after exposing the secular/liberal opposition to Qaddafi and Assad to extermination by both sides.***
Not to mention the initial creation and arming of the mujahadin circa 1979 by Jimmy Carter and
National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski under the *Operation Cyclone* plan in hopes that the dukhai would kill as many Soviet grunts as possible. Which, of course they did initially, and then extended their religious cleansing to all other infidels Thanks a lot. Jihad Jimmy….
Operation Cyclone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cyclone
03 July 1979; Carter declares secret war on Russia: http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=western_support_for_islamic_militancy_2031
You know funding for Cyclone continued under Reagan, right? Stinger missiles?
-John M.
My I recommend this website., it is up and running. It is hosted by Stephen Coughlin, this guy.
He is the one who put together The Red Pill Brief on Radical (read Revolutionary as in Revolutionary Communism and wars of national liberation) Islam. USSOCOM people called it that because when you received the brief on the reality of Revolutionary Islam you will never see it any other way.
Communism and revolutionary communism are the same thing.
His site,
His book