Life and health
Friends and family
Turkeys. The farm-bred one that gave up its life for our lunch today, and the seven wild ones that walked across the backyard at about 0500 this morning, alike. Is it possible that even as Franklin was wrong about the eagle, he was right about the turkey?
Work to keep the mind engaged
…and all you guys and gals who drop in here.
What with the holiday, and a power outage, and this and that, it’s been slow lately. We have not forgotten you; indeed, we’re keenly aware that we’re neglecting you.
Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.