Magpul said what they meant and they meant what they said, and before the end of April the first Magpul magazine will be “Proudly Made by Americans” as the company’s advertising has always boasted, but not “…in Colorado.”
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has made it clear that he’s ashamed, not proud, of the company and its hundreds of direct and thousands of indirect jobs, so he should be celebrating their departur to points still unknown.
“Gateway Pundit” Jim Hoft, as he put it,”reached out to Duane Liptak, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Magpul Industries Corporation. …. In our communications Liptak revealed the next steps for Magpul’s escape from Colorado.” Let’s see what Jim has to say; we’ve bolded a couple of revelations that were new to us:
In February Magpul announced the Democratic legislation that banned high capacity magazines would force them to leave the state taking along several hundred jobs with them. Magpul warned they would leave the state “almost immediately” if the legislation passed. Duane Liptak, Director of Product Management and Marketing, said the company has received official invitations from elected officials and/or the economic development activities in over two dozen states since they announced their plans to leave Colorado. Liptak says, “We’ve talked to some states, visited some, and we’ve got a lot more to get to. Some of the initial round of states that we’re looking at are Wyoming, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Montana, Idaho and Arizona but there are others in consideration.” Several more conservative states are hoping to lure the manufacturer to more friendly pastures.
Moving physical equipment and setting up products to run in new locations is an expensive venture. Lost opportunities due to disruption of production for the move could also be significant. Liptak says the company was getting ready to sign a lease on a new 125,000 square foot building for the headquarters in Colorado before Democrats introduced their legislation. So, the company held off on those plans. Magpul will now move forward with a new facility, just not in Colorado.
The move is already underway. Magpul chief operating officer Doug Smith told The Denver Post last week that the company will manufacture their first magazine outside the state of Colorado within thirty days. The company is moving some physical assets this month, but there are arrangements that need to be nailed down before Magpul can start moving major pieces of the operation.
And, it’s not just Magpul. Several parts dealers are also following Magpul’s lead. The company has received commitments from some of their largest suppliers that they will be leaving Colorado, as well. And, Magpul’s suppliers are even working with the company to help select new manufacturing locations.
via Breaking: Magpul Reveals Plans For Colorado Exodus | The Gateway Pundit.
This was a completely unnecessary “own goal” that not only sank Hickenlooper’s political ambitions for any larger office, but will do absolutely zero to deter criminals in Colorado.
Magpul is hoping that it’s new, higher profile will bring it new customers. We can say it already has: while we had access to PMAGs from time to time on duty, we have just received our first ten privately owned ones. And yes, they’re good. And no, they don’t fit in the 416. ‘S okay, we have HK mags for that one. It’s nice to have indestructible, OK-to-leave-loaded mags for the 6921 and other ARs.

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
8 thoughts on “Some details on Magpul’s Relocation out of Colorado”
One earnestly desires Magpul will follow the excellent example of Ronnie Barrett (and 50 other companies re: NYFS), and suspend sales to government agencies in states where their products aren’t available to civilians.
It won’t result in Hickenlooper’s security detail resorting to flintlocks and swords overnight, but hope springs eternal.
I think the list is over 100, maybe 200 companies now. While somebody has been cloning it, the original list lives at
The state of NY is resorting to a “Tactical Expo” to try to find firms willing to arm the Quisling forces.
So this means you’re not going to be taking long showers with him, or contributing to his reelection campaign? (That’s OK, Bloomberg’s up for both).
One can only hope John Galt will whisk them up to Wyoming!
Magpul: You can contact Governor Rick Perry of Texas (if he hasn’t already been in contact with you) at:
Yes, Magpul, please contact Gov Rick Perry! He’s not only pro-gun but he is pro-2nd amendment. So are our Senators and Congressmen. We’d LOVE to have you in Texas and please also note that we have much milder weather here in Texas than Colorado. Also, please note that Texas doesn’t have a state income tax. I’m also sure that Gov. Perry would be happy to work out some other tax incentives for your company. We would also love to have all your suppliers and their families here, too! Let us show you what a “Welcome to Texas” really means! We are proud of your company and your suppliers and would welcome you with open arms! Please give us a chance!!!!
The states we keep hearing rumors about are Texas and Tennessee. Having received the Texas welcome in the past, it has a lot to recommend it. Good people in that great state.