Along with brands like Smith and Wesson, Winchester, and Remington, few names are synonymous with firearms like Ruger. Ruger has been producing some of the finest handguns for over 70 years. One of their more recent products, the Ruger Security-9, was brought to market in 2017.
Rugers intention was for their Security-9 to replace several other 9mm handguns in their arsenal that were becoming outdated. While it’s managed to do this to a certain extent, the Ruger Security-9 isn’t without its shortcomings. Like any gun, its not perfect – but that is to be expected and doesn’t necessarily detract from the otherwise amazing performance of the Security 9.
There are a few common issues people tend to experience when handling their Ruger. Let’s take a look at what some of those shortcomings are:
Common Issues with the Ruger Security-9

Slide Release Problems
One of the first problems you’ll notice with the Ruger Security-9 is when you reload it after shooting a full clip. When you fire the last round in a magazine on typical handguns, here’s what happens.
- The slide locks back
- You insert a fresh magazine.
- You release the slide, and it locks in the forward position.
This third step is what trips up most users of the Ruger Security 9. For whatever reason, the slide often gets stuck in the open, locked position and must be manually forced forward. Normally, the slide is supposed to release on its own via pulling it slightly back and releasing it to slide forward.
While this may seem like a minor inconvenience, it’s actually a big problem if you’re in the middle of a gunfight and can’t reload your weapon in a hurry.
Slide release problems on firearms have several possible remedies that vary in difficulty. Sometimes, oiling or adding a lubricant to the slide mechanics is all it takes. However, other times, it’s a manufacturing error, and the slide is simply not properly fitted to the rest of the gun. It’s also possible that there’s debris or dirt blocking the path or hindering the movement of the slide mechanism. Clean your gun, oil the slide, and if the problem persists, you likely have a defective weapon and should return it for a replacement.
Feeding Problems
Another common issue with the Ruger Security 9 and many other compact pistols is the issue of feeding fresh rounds into the chamber. Feeding refers to when a bullet transfers from the magazine to the chamber every time you fire a shot. Unfortunately, these types of issues are almost always the result of having a defective magazine, bullets that are too big, feed ramp problems, or issues with the recoil spring.
Because there are several possible issues, a good place to start is to take your gun apart, clean it, oil it, and put it back together. Many gun problems can be solved with a good cleaning and lubricating. If this doesn’t fix your issue, the next step is to purchase a new magazine and see if your feeding problem goes away. If a cleaning, lubing, and polishing of your Ruger, as well as a new magazine, doesn’t do the trick, your best bet is to contact Ruger and have them repair or replace the gun.

Extractor Issues
Along with sliding and feeding problems, the Ruger Security-9 also tends to experience extractor problems. Essentially, this means that old shell casings aren’t properly extracted from the gun, allowing a fresh round to slide into the chamber. The most likely reason this happens is that the spent cartridge expands into the grooves of the slide mechanism and moves out of the reach of the extractor.
If the extractor failing to remove a spent round happens once, it’s not that big of a deal. However, if the problem persists, you would do well to contact the manufacturer and notify them about the problem. They can send you a replacement extractor free of charge or have the entire weapon replaced.
Extractor problems are extremely common with the Ruger Security-9. Unlike other minor problems that can be repaired with a good cleaning and oiling, an extractor cannot.
Jamming Problems
Since the beginning of the firearm era, when the first automatics and semi-automatics were invented, jamming has always been a problem. Men have died in battle because their normally trusty firearms failed to reload and jammed up.
The most common reason for jamming problems with the Ruger Security-9 is closely linked to the extractor problem we just examined. Just because the extractor didn’t remove the spent shell casing doesn’t mean that the rest of the gun won’t do its job and try to insert a new round into the chamber. While it may try, the gun will ultimately fail and jam up when the old casing gets in the way of the incoming round.
Another reason for jamming problems is that your magazine can’t fully release a fresh round into the chamber. The bullet makes it halfway out of the magazine but gets caught up as the slide is trying to move forward. This will also result in a jam.
Other possible reasons for a jam include a spring recoil that’s too tight or a slide that gets caught up on something. Because of how the Ruger Security-9 is designed and the materials that are used to build it, it’s possible for burrs to build up on the slide rails. Even the tiniest burr will impede the movement of the slide and cause your gun to jam.
While it’s inconvenient, burrs can be ground down and removed from the slide rails. Make sure to take your time and use a good file to make your work easier. If the problem isn’t burrs but rather that your magazine isn’t moving fresh rounds into the chamber because it’s too tight or the springs are off, try using a new magazine and make sure that you have the right bullets for your weapon.
Most jamming problems can be remedied by taking your gun apart, cleaning it, oiling it, polishing it, and putting it back together. It’s not unusual for tiny, even invisible pieces of dirt and debris to impede the operation of your gun. However, if a good cleaning and oiling don’t take care of your jamming issues, you would be wise to let Ruger fix the problem themselves.
Stuck Safety Problems
While many handguns are moving away from manual safeties and opting for trigger or handguard safeties, the Ruger Security-9 didn’t get the memo. Manual safeties usually aren’t an issue, but they simply aren’t preferred by experienced shooters who don’t want to worry about manually switching off a safety if they’re in a life and death situation.
The safety on the Ruger Security-9 is especially problematic, not because of its location but because of how stiff it is. In fact, the manual safety is one of the most criticized components of the Ruger Security-9 because it’s next to impossible to operate the safety smoothly. Many users find that they have to use both hands to turn the safety ON or OFF, which is extremely impractical.
With the gun unloaded, simply move the safety back and forth from the ON to the OFF position. Do this until you feel the safety start to relax and move easier. You can also try squeezing a tiny bit of oil around the safety and see if that loosens things up. Otherwise, your options are to deal with a tough safety or return the weapon.
Accidental Magazine Catching

Accidentally trapping your magazine with your hand while it’s ejecting isn’t necessarily a major problem. People with large hands often find it to be a problem with compact guns, but there’s an easy fix for this.
If you struggle with snagging or trapping ejecting magazines with your Ruger Security-9, you must simply adjust your grip on the weapon. Practice inserting and removing unloaded magazines until you find a grip that works for you.
Aluminum Slide Rails
Aluminum slide rails on the Ruger Security-9 aren’t necessarily an immediate problem, but they can turn into one down the road. Aluminum isn’t as strong as steel, which means that it’s prone to burrs, chipping, or wearing down over time. This is especially possible because the slide itself is made of steel, which can overpower the aluminum rails and cause problems.
The most likely issue that you’ll encounter with the aluminum slide rails is that they’ll develop burrs or wear down. Burrs can be filed down to a certain extent, but rails that wear away don’t have an easy fix.
Our Analysis
While there are a number of issues that can occur with the Ruger Security-9, we still consider it to be a solid firearm. An important thing to remember is that the Security-9 is a very affordable, compact weapon. Anytime you’re buying a lower-priced handgun, you should expect one or two issues. The lower price is probably why aluminum was used for the slide rails rather than more expensive steel.
Wrap Up
Because of how affordable and practical the Ruger Security-9 is, we think it’s an excellent 9mm handgun. You have multiple options with a 10 + 1 magazine load or a 15 + 1 load, which is incredible for a compact handgun. If you’re in the market for a home defense or concealed carry weapon, you could do much worse than the Ruger Security-9.

Joseph has been hunting for most of his life. Some of his best memories were growing up sitting in a treestand or a blind and waiting for a monster buck to come along. His main focus has been deer hunting, typically with my trusty 20 gauge shotgun.
I’m having some problems with my ruger security 9, when I reload my gun it Jams I just bought it couple of months ago
Three Security 9’s, 1000+ rounds thru each, only issue I have had is the safety, until I realized it is hinged in the front, and has to be worked from the back. Only feed problems I have had is with reloads. (I don’t reload, personally.) Shot everything from Russian steel, to match and SD Ammo. Had one reload so oversized the shell stuck in the chamber, and the extractor ripped the back off the round. (Not fun to get out.) Several people talked about the aluminum rails, but don’t mention they are hard coated. The rails are not riding on aluminum, but a coating which is Rc62. Lot harder than most steel slides. Never has the slide to fail to go forward into battery. But if a little oil or cleaning fixes that issue, it is not a problem with the gun. It is with the user. I did find that if I slam in the magazine, the bolt releases automatically. Not sure if that is a failure of the gun, or a “feature”. The only pistol I used that had most of these issues, (minus the safety.) is a Glock 19 I no longer own. Not a Ruger fan, but I think they did very well on the Security 9.
ve had a Security 9 for about (3) years... I even took a handgun course with it. My reason for doing so was, because it
s a rugged handgun with good a good round count….(2) 15 round mags made it much easier during the course. Ive polished the feed ramp, and the chamber throat...and I
ve had no problems with the Security 9.