That Was the Week that Was: 2015 Week 26
Another week is at an end, actually a little past its end as we’re posting this about 24 hours late and backdating it.
Hey, we can do that. We have the magical powers of the admin login.
It’s been an interesting week around here, as usual, and we hope to keep it interesting as we go forward.
We’re still not certain on a road trip this week. If so, we’ll see our Fayetteville crowd, eh?
The Boring Statistics
This week was an average week. We posted 27 posts with some 302 comments by press time for this post, and a total of about 15,000 words. Our greatest milestone this week has to be statistically based: we passed one million unique users on the blog. We expect to pass 2,000,000 before year’s end, which is just amazing and humbling. We had expected to be at two million hits by this point, but our hits are over 4.6 million for 2015 — so far. Thank you all for reading!
Comment of the Week
We’re going to recommend the comment thread to one of our training posts (of which we have promised more). In Mind Over Matter, we suggested that if you had to choose one or the other, mindset, Napoleon’s “the moral,” is so vital that we’d choose training over hardware. This was a controversial idea! And both sides were aired in the comments.
The Week in Posts
Here’s the recap of our posts for this week:
- Sunday, Softly kicks off the last week of the first half of 2015.
- Mind Over Matter. Getting your head right beats getting your gear right.
- Since they didn’t quit and haven’t passed: Rangerettes are Back At It.
- When Guns are Outlawed, only Outlaws Will Have Lakes. And that’ll get the job done.
- There’s guys out there Reenacting Waterloo.
- This workplace has been 360 days without a Dremel-related accident: Bubba Retros a Rifle.
- US Army Land Rovers? Yep, there was such a thing. And in this post you can see ’em getting slingloaded under Black Hawks.
- Sometimes, we just post gratuitous linkbait like When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have voodoo-linked sex trafficking, but we always do try to follow the
g-stringthread to a gun-related conclusion. - Tam Goes in for Quick Kill… Involuntarily, when the sight flies off her rifle.
- When so many people seem to reject the whole idea, it gets us Thinking About Safety.
- Some official Advice for OPM Breach Victims.
- When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Canned Peas. Yeah, but they were violent assault peas.
- Yes, we’re sinking this low. Cat videos. Case in point: OT: Stowaway!
- Wednesday Weapons Website of the Week: Special Operations History Foundation. Sparse but promising.
- Geissele (ALG Defense) AK Trigger. Still with a good long engagement, but a crisper and lighter letoff.
- It’s Original Sin, sort of. Why the New York Times Hates Soldiers and Marines.
- When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Knives and Axes. A fellow could get hurt playing with that stuff!
- We offer glum contractors Five Depressing Developments on the OPM Data Compromise. Seriously, don’t watch the hearings or you’ll wind up on suicide watch.
- Industry News Roundup is mostly null news from Colt and bad news from PTR.
- Rangerette Micro-Update. The three two-time recycles have made it through RAP week for the second time.
- One of history’s more unusual extortion attempts: Fix My Breakup or The Little Red Hen Gets It!
- A glimpse of life behind the Masshole Curtain: Live Free, or Live In Massachusetts, No. 32.
- The Best is the Enemy of the Good, and the Bren X as presented by Larry Vickers.
- We had a post for this time… but cooled off and didn’t write what we really thought about the Religion of Peace®.
- Forget it, Jake. It’s China: When Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have 1970s Meat.
- We visit a visually delightful but story-challenged air combat flick with Saturday Matinee 2015 26: Red Tails (2012).
- That Was the Week that Was: 2015 Week 26 — that’s this post, so don’t expect a link.
Going Forward
Tomorrow morning, a top tactical trainer tries training a conventional Army unit, and guns are going tango uniform left and right. The reason just might surprise you. (It sure surprised him).
One thought on “That Was the Week that Was: 2015 Week 26”

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
Congrats on the stats WM, you may refer to them as the boring statistics but I suspect many of your readers seek them out for perusal each week. They often make very interesting reading , as well as the opportunity for some little games, such as guessing which will be the most commented post from that week. Unless there’s been something on the Rangerettes of course. Then its usually that one.
I’m probably not the only one to use TWTWTW to go back and read posts that received more comments since I’d read ’em. Your readers comments often inform almost as much as the posts themselves. Almost.
Anyway 1 million unique users! Awesome. Keep doing what you’re doing, your readers appreciate it.