Perhaps you want a Goblin Goblet? No, dummy. Take the candy. Leave the goblet. Thank you!


The Goblin Goblets started as a way to have a self-service, honor system Halloween decorated station. So that everyone else doesn’t have to be there when the kids dressed as frightening concepts like vampires, Sith lords, ghosts and President Trump show up.

1 Goblin Goblet = goodies for one kid, mostly chocolaty stuff, heavy on Hershey’s (disclaimer: we have a position in Hershey’s stock [NYSE: HSY], and we’ve taken a bath in it — the stock, not the chocolate). Kid dumps Goblet in goody bag, replaces Goblet on table, inverted. (We start with one inverted Goblet, and they automagically get the idea. We got it from the Doolittle Raiders, who did that with their own cups in a suitably Halloween-y bout of ghoulishness).

Goblin Goblets have turned out to be a fine holiday tradition, so long as one of the staff remembers to police up the upturned Goblets and reload them as necessary. We can interact with the little dears or not, as it amuses us to do so. The doorbell never rings (although Small Dog does usually detonate as the kids step onto the lawn). The kids, of course, love it, especially when we sic Small Dog on ’em.

We have lived in neighborhoods where we could not do this — especially not with silver goblets. (We think they’re just silver plate, actually. But the statement still applies).


A paranormal researcher has pointed out to us that a ghostly apparition can be seen in the lower left of the picture, and that Hog Manor is haunted. Small Dog says it’s only him, but what does he know? He’s a dog.

This entry was posted in Administrivia on by Hognose.

About Hognose

Former Special Forces 11B2S, later 18B, weapons man. (Also served in intelligence and operations jobs in SF).

6 thoughts on “OT: Happy Halloween from Hog Manor


I recall trick or treat back in the late 50’s and early 60’s the small town where I lived became a crowded arena of costumed kids, soldiers, cowboys ballerina’s and queens, vampires ghost and skeletons, you name it. It was an all night event lasting till midnight, it started at schools where they held Halloween carnivals and then spread to the streets and avenues.

Great fun was had by all.

As time went by this faded. We moved to a rural area in an even smaller town and at our house in the last 33 years we had one trick or treat participant who was not a grandkid and he was a toddler brought over by the neighbors who just wanted to say hi.

We got to the point after 10 years of simply ignoring the buying of candy, no one ever came.

Somehow I miss these happy times we began to go over to Mom and Dad’s to take our son when he was young and they had some trick or treat kids but the numbers have dwindled.

I guess in some places it’s still a thing but around here the practice outside organized events is dead as a door nail.

Happy Halloween!

Hognose Post author

We have an organized schedule here, with different towns doing it on different days, and it’s not unknown for parents to drive their kids door to door (houses were smaller and closer together where and when I was growing up!). But in our street there is a neighbor who brings a lot of people into the street with a spectacularly decorated home. They do it for Halloween and for Christmas, which NH has so far resisted turning into Winter Solstice Festival like our neighbors to the south.

We’re at the other end of the cul-de-sac, and next to us there is a large and functionally abandoned house, which creeps out the kids so they often don’t make it to us. Our typical T&T load is 12-20 kids. Small Dog loves having so many intruders to bark at; if the kids are old enough to take a joke, we set him on them: “Attack!” and he runs among them, barking and leaping, and a splendid time is had by all.


The going-ons of Hog Manor are definitely “On Topic” for this blog! Hope the kids love it, Happy Halloween!


Your Small Dog looks identical to my Small Dog (Maltese Terrier) who is white, fluffy and thinks she’s much bigger than she actually is.

I’ve had large dogs like German Shepherds most of my life as I lived in the country, but I’ve found small dogs are much more suited to city life. I’m a fairly large guy, so I’ve been reliably informed by my mates that we make an odd couple while out patrolling the AO in the evening. 🙂

I hope Small Dog brings you many years of happy companionship.

Cap’n Mike

Halloween is alive and well in my town.

We live in a family neighborhood with lots of kids. Probably had 120 rugrats on and off the porch tonight.

I have a Cairn Terrier.

Every time the doorbell rings, she thinks its for her.

Small dogs are the best.


this year my single-mom neighbor, strapped for cash as usual, came up with a nice within-her-budget costume idea, and asked me to help with the sharp/pointy accessory. With a pair of black leotard pants, the top half of a black nylon Ninja outfit, a black leftover Dracula cape and a white skeleton face mask, all she needed was a scythe to finish out her Grim Reaperess outfit. Easily taken care of, and a little black spray paint covered up the rusty and faded corners, with a spray of sharp-looking aluminum on the blade edge….along with a few drips of cherry [or would that be cheery?] red paint to help set the mood. Mission accomplished? Not quite.

Her kid came home with a letter from the kidlet’s school reminding the parents that this was a weapons-free gathering, and neither the kids nor parents thereof were to bring anything deemed useful in a trick-or-treat melee. There goes my idea for a Viking outfit! Mom was not a happy camper, but we found a workaround.

I got her a $1.00 sponge squeeze mop from the local Dollar Store, spray painted it black everywhere, and she was now fixed up as the Grim[e] Mopper. I told her if it sounded silly to anyone, tell ’em that it wasn’t her fault. Nope, I didn’t go; guess I could have worked the Viking motif up with golf clubs, but why bother with idiots when you can’t eat them….

Next year, I’m a-getting two of those grizzly bear paw backscratchers, a couple of brown oven mitts and a brown fur coat. Haven’t worked out the head yet, but something will turn up.