The New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery is in Boscawen, NH, a small town just north of Concord, our state capital. Kevin had always wanted to be laid to rest in a veterans cemetery, and we’re lucky to have the NHSVC so close.
We had Kevin’s remains cremated and placed in a columbarium at the cemetery, and I’d invite you to pay a visit if you’re ever up in the Granite State. You’ll find his marker in section A7L, Row E, Site 3. (This location will make sense when you are there, and they have resources to help you find a particular marker.)
Kevin’s marker is among many others, and I can imagine him having endless, rolling conversations with his neighbors. They probably would have liked each other. There’s Louis M. Chartrand, who served in the US Air Force In Korea and lived to be 84. The inscription reads “God has you in his arms. We have you in our hearts.” And Gerald S. Sturdee, who served in Vietnam. He was a loving family man and friend. They had a good run.
Here’s Jacqueline D. Crawford, about whom I would love to learn more. She was an ensign in the Navy in World War II and a “Beloved Wife, Dear Mom, Hero, Gramma, Meme, Nurse and Friend,” and lived to be 96.
And here’s Paul J. Wojcik, US Navy, 1939-2017, whose inscription reads “Gone fishing, so long.” Did he write that himself? Would that surprise you?
Kevin never told us what he wanted for an inscription, so we had to write it ourselves. And so he is: Beloved son, brother, uncle, teammate and friend. And I think he’s probably happy with that.

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
41 thoughts on “Kevin’s Final Resting Place”
I am out of state at moment but will when get back to N.H. region stop by and pay me respects(with diet Dr. Pepper as a salute of course),will have a little extra for all the folks far away who may not be able to come by in person.Thanks for update Branden and hope all is well with you and the rest of the Weaponsman crew who post/read here,James
Thanks for the update, Brendan.
A fitting memorial indeed.
Thank you for the update. It is very much appreciated.
A well stated inscription. It should be a goal for those who read it to aspire for such an honorable parting thought.
RIP. Thanks for all the well-written words. Those written for you are befitting.
It was overcast and rainy today in northern(ish) New England. Not a great day to be on the roads, but since my (temporary) life as a bachelor is about to end in half a week, not to mention a gigantic bolus of work coming up for the next month, it was today or next year to pay my respects. The drive up Interstate 93 was uneventful. I am not sure if the parts of Boscawen on the way to the NHSVC are representative, but if so, it’s a quiet, rural-ish place a little north of New Hampshire’s capitol, Concord. It ‘s pretty much a straight shot from 93 to the NHVSC.
Kevin’s resting place is pretty easy to find. Even if you don’t make use of the Grave Locator in the Adminstration Building. (Pro-tip: even if the building looks closed, the GL in the vestibule is accessible. Be sure to type “O’Brien” rather than “Obrien” — it cares about the apostrophe.)
This is the row of columbaria.
And Kevin’s particular spot.
Not a bad way to be remembered, when you think about it.
The NHVSC is a place of quiet and great peace. At least today. There were a few visitors on this wet and somber day; all solitary old men much like your humble correspondent. Just behind Kevin’s resting place is a wooded area of mixed deciduous and evergreen trees, with a small creek. There are also “conventional” plots with individual headstones. I found it interesting that some ‘stones had the veteran’s information on the obverse, and his (or her!) spouse’s information on the reverse.
The grounds are neatly kept, as one might expect. There is a chapel, an administrative building, and a Memorial Walk with monuments to each branch of the service, as well as particular groups, and sometimes individuals. There is something for Special Forces as well. The flagpole in the lower photo was brought to the NHSVC [got it right this time – errors above] from Tenth Group’s headquarters at Fort Devens, Massachusetts.
I know I said the NHSVC is a place of quiet, and it is. But there seems to be an outdoor range nearby. As I made my way down the Memorial Walk I could hear the report of guns in the distance. Way too many shots, and too regular, to be hunters. So I think Kevin is in a good place, surrounded by his brothers and sisters in arms, next to the woods and a little creek, and within earshot of people enjoying their firearms.
The Tenth Group marker.
“Kevin is in a good place, surrounded by his brothers and sisters in arms, next to the woods and a little creek, and within earshot of people enjoying their firearms.”
The only way this could be better is if Kevin was still with us.
RIP Kevin. I will never forget you.
Realize it’s been said already but thank you again for keeping us posted. It is truly appreciated.
Thank you for the update.
Rest easy Kevin.
Thank you for the update. He is missed. Terribly missed.
Thanks Brendan. I guess I had always assumed that “the kid” he mentioned many times was his. His nephew then?
Or Stepson?
The endings are bitter for those of us left behind, but one can’t deny he earned his rest there, among fellow warriors.
Godspeed to him, and thanks to Brendan for the updates.
Thank you Brendan and also Mike_C for the additional pictures. I still stop by here every now and then to see what’s going on and remember Kevin’s wonderful writing.
He is missed and fondly and respectfully remembered.
(another) Kevin
Josey said well my own thoughts; ” missed and fondly and respectfully remembered” sums it up nicely as well.
Best to you and the rest of the family, Brendan.
RIP Kevin. Your presence is missed by many.
Thank you Brendan for putting this up, and best wishes to you and your family.
I offer my thanks to the family You for letting us know about Kevin O`Brien`s resting place and to Mike_C for his photoreport. Weaponsman is missed by many people across the world. It was wonderful to get to know Him a little bit on pages of this blog. Best wishes to You all.
Thank you Brendan. All I can think to add is that Kevin was a hella good teacher, too. Glad he is in good company. And has a rifle range nearby.
Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
God bless you Kevin.
It a fitting place.
Man, it’s still a raw nerve to think and talk about.
Guys like Kevin, even if they live to be 200 when they leave us its Too soon, too soon..
I hope there is a heaven and we all meet there one day. The we can all set around and talk again
God, yes. Kirk can have his tripods. Boat Guy can show us why the Mk 23 was bad. Plenty of Diet Dr Pepper and plenty of laps for Small Dog.
There was no equal to Kevin.
I’m sure we’ll all miss him for as long as we live.
If I’m ever up that way, I’ll be sure to pay him a visit.
Thank you, Brendan and family for all you’ve done.
I’ve never been to New Hampshire. Family in PA, NJ, CT. Next time I am up there I plan to stop by and pay my respects.
Thank you for the update.
Thank you, Brendan. I’ll get myself back to the Granite State to pay my respects.
Thanks Brendan for such a timely ( Remembrance/Veteran’s Day) update on Kevin’s final earthly resting place.
i still come here two or three times a week and read old posts from the time before I discovered the literary genius that was HN and weaponsman.
One day, I will get to your quiet corner of the freest country in the world and pay my respects in person.
Thanks, Brendan. It’s a good place, and a good marker. Among his brothers indeed.
Thank you Brendan for sharing this.
I was impressed with Kevin’s intellect and education from the first of his posts that I read. When you are read to accept donations for a scholarship in his name be sure and let us know.
Thanks Brendan and also Mike_C. It’s a long way from Australia, but I hope to make it one day to pay my heartfelt respects.
All the best to the rest of the Weaponsman crew.
Thanks Brendan for posting this and to everyone else who stopped by the blog. It’s good to know I’m not the only one that thinks about Hognose daily.
Thank you for the update. I was thinking of him just the other day — And I never even met him.
Thoughts to you, Brendan, and your father today, after what would traditionally be a day of visitation and shared family time.
Thank you for the update. As has been said, Kevin is sorely missed. It says much for the man that people who never had the pleasure of meeting him have cause to mourn his passing. It is difficult to explain to those not fortunate enough to be part of the WM community the immense sense of loss.
With deepest respect, Rest In Peace.
Rest well, my friend. We shall all join together soon enough. Thank you Kevin, for your words, your wit, and your candid insights. Visiting you here was a daily ritual, one I always looked forward to. Weaponsman was the brightest part of many a day for me, and I miss it, and you, sorely.
Finally thank you Brendan, for caring enough about your brother’s loyal legion of friends, and readers, to have gone out of your way to keep this site up, to inform us of Kevin’s passing, to share with us an opportunity to reminisce of better times and to memorialize our fondness for him, and for sharing with us his resting place. You have my sincere sympathy as well as my respect and gratitude.
After randomly stumbling upon Kevin’s blog 2 years ago, i went back and read every single post in order. I will sincerely miss his musings until the end of my days and am grateful I got the opportunity to tap his obvious fount of knowledge. RIP