Winchester Model 1894 Lever Action Rifle Calibered in 30-30 bullets

45-70 vs 30-30 | Which Rifle is Right for You?

If you’re looking for a lever action rifle, you’ll often run into the same few calibers. Two of the most popular are .45-70 and .30-30. These are both great hunting cartridges, and can be used for a lot of the same game. That said, there are also some major differences between them. Both the 45 …

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Kel Tec PMR 30

Kel-Tec PMR-30 Review [and Problems]

The KelTec PMR30 might have been on the market for a while now, but there are a lot of people overlooking the quality of this gun in favor of more traditional self-defense pistols. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive review of the gun’s specs, performance, key features, and flaws. Yes, the Kel-Tec PMR-30 has …

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Was the Glock 19x Discontinued?

Is the Glock 19x Discontinued? [Answered]

Rumors of the Glock 19x being discontinued started on Reddit and a few other more gun-focused forums around May of 2020. Typically, the rumor followed some pattern of someone having overheard at the gun counter of a local store that the Glock 19x would no longer be produced due to some vague issues that no …

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Best Thermal Scope of 2024 [UPDATED]

Thermal scopes use various heat signature imaging technologies to help you acquire and shoot targets in low light or nighttime conditions. What was once the stuff of only the most elite tactical units around the world is now available for us to purchase on the consumer market. Here, we’ve reviewed what we think are the …

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Most frequent issues and problems found with the Kimber Micro 9 Pistol

Kimber Micro 9 – Most Common Issues

Kimber is one of the better-known handgun makers in the US market. Besides their popularity thanks to seeing use in some movie franchises in recent years, they’re well known mostly for their series of high-end and certainly high priced 1911 style pistols. In this piece, we’re going to examine one of their most popular products, …

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8mm mauser vs 30-06 cartridge comparison

8mm Mauser vs 30-06: Which is better?

When selecting a new hunting cartridge, it’s easy to stick with the classics. But every once in a while, you might want to try out a new type of cartridge to give yourself a novel experience or to branch out into international markets. Today, let’s take a look at the 8mm Mauser – a popular …

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The story of the Norinco MAK-90 - the Chinese AK-47

Norinco Mak 90 – The Infamous “Chinese AK”

Today, we’re going to look at a fascinating part of American, and Chinese, firearms history, the Norinco MAK 90 (sometimes misspelled as MAC 90). Here, we’ll start with some general specifications for the MAK90, before getting into the history and where it currently sits in the American firearms market. Mak 90 Specs Manufacturer Norinco Year …

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Ruger SR9 Review

Ruger SR9 Review | Specs, Features, & Pros/Cons

Intro and History Ever since the United States reintroduced laws for concealed carry, a lot of firearms manufacturers began to build pistols that are lightweight, compact, and easy to carry and use. Sturm, Ruger & Company made a line of semi-auto pistols and released the SR line- where the SR9 came from. It was produced …

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Remington 550-1 Review and Specs

Remington 550-1 | Specs, History & Review

For a lot of shooting enthusiasts, our first firearms experience was with a wood-stocked .22 rifle, being taught how to hit cans in the woods with our dads. Years later, either out of nostalgia, or just valuing the cheap fun of an accurate, low-recoiling firearm, many of us are coming back to .22 caliber rifles, …

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.32-40 Ballard Cartridge

The 32/40 Cartridge – History, Specs, and Uses

The .32-40 Ballard (also called .32-40 Winchester) is a black powder cartridge designed all the way back in 1884. While most consider its heyday to be long past, plenty of others still use the .32-40 cartridge thanks to its excellent accuracy and for the nostalgia they feel with every trigger pull. Today, let’s take a …

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