newspaper-fishwrapAn elite New England prep school is where successful men send their weak, effete sons to develop an aesthetic approach to coasting through life. And it’s where the Times’s loathing of soldiers and Marines comes from.

This forgotten anecdote from 1999 demonstrates where the rot at the Times comes from: straight down from its inherited, nepotistic head.

Sulzberger, nicknamed “Pinch” (in comparison to his Times predecessor and father, Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger), traveled a familiar path for the children of the Eastern elite in the 1960s and 1970s:

“He had been something of a political activist in high school — he had been suspended briefly from Browning for trying to organize a shutdown of the school following the National Guard’s shooting of students at Kent State — and at Tufts he eagerly embraced the antiwar movement. His first arrest for civil disobedience took place outside the Raytheon Company, a defense and space contractor; there, dressed in an old Marine jacket of Punch’s, he joined other demonstrators who were blocking the entrance to the company’s gates. He was soon arrested again, in an antiwar sit-in at the J.F.K. Federal Building in Boston.

Why wasn’t he subject to the draft? Well, he was rich, Jewish, cowardly, and from New York, a demographic that found ways to manipulate the system to send poor, goyish, brave, flyover-country kids in their place. (Meanwhile, there were other rich, Jewish, New York kids who volunteered: they were missing the most defining component of young Sulzberger’s make-up, “cowardly”). His cowardice extended far beyond not wanting to risk death or injury in a war; it was moral as well as physical. Not for him was resisting the draft; serious civil disobedience has consequences beyond a radical-chic-authenticity-polishing disorderly-person arrest, and principled draft resisters went to prison. Unprincipled, cowardly draft evaders walked free, comfortable in the knowledge that someone else was at war in their place. And contemptuous of that chump, whoever he might be.

“Punch had shown little reaction after the first arrest, but when he got word of the second one he flew to Boston. Over dinner, he asked his son why he was involved with the protests and what kind of behavior the family might expect of him in the future. Arthur assured his father he was not planning on a career of getting himself arrested. After dinner, as the two men walked in the Boston Common, Punch asked what his son later characterized as ‘the dumbest question I’ve ever heard in my life’: ‘If a young American soldier comes upon a young North Vietnamese soldier, which one do you want to see get shot?’ Arthur answered, ‘I would want to see the American get shot.’”

There you have it — the morals and values of the New York Times. This despicable whelp not only reveled in American deaths, he though that seeing it any other way — as his father, a veteran unlike him, did — was “dumb.”

via CyberAlert — 08/11/1999 — “Pious, Sex-Crazed” Starr; Pinch Favored U.S. Deaths | Media Research Center.

Remember, many of the Vietnam War protesters, including the entire Baby Boomer staff of the Times, were never against the war. They were against victory. They were on the other side.

And you see the same behavior from them today in reference to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, you name it. And you wonder why? They hate you. They want you dead. It comes from the very top, where a self-loathing rich kid enjoys almost immeasurable wealth, whilst knowing in his weak, crabbed and corrupt soul that he did nothing for it and is not worthy of it.

This entry was posted in Don’t be THAT guy, Phonies and Assclowns on by Hognose.

About Hognose

Former Special Forces 11B2S, later 18B, weapons man. (Also served in intelligence and operations jobs in SF).

6 thoughts on “Why the New York Times Hates Soldiers and Marines


That goes a long way to explaining the NYT’s knee-jerk coverage of social issues, the military, Israel – you name it. It’s all ideological. And as you highlighted, it isn’t *deep* ideological commitment (which often entails a price). It’s more about personal, narcissistic needs.

But that answer to his father’s question, indeed his reaction to the question itself, is just shocking. And despicable. There’s a real socio/psychopathology at work there.

John Mason

I noticed the anti-war protestors hostility towards victory when I returned to the US from Vietnam in 1964. I enrolled in college and immediately encountered an overwhelming, malicious hostility from the lefty students.

They called it anti-war, but it was expressed by hostility towards the returning veterans. Then as now, I thought it mostly motivated by cowardice, although I did note that the most vocal of the anti-war crowd were red diaper babies who were also violently anti-American.

Hognose Post author

A good buddy and former teammate had a long break in service. He came back from Vietnam (SF) and got out in ’68. He went to Berkely. I asked him if there was a culture clash. He said no, but “I was in Physics, and we were there to learn.” The physics and other hard-science departments simply routed around sit-ins and protests. The protesters were the English, education, and pseudo-science students.

He wound up as a patent attorney (and a good one). A smart, broadly-educated, and interesting guy, even by SF standards. After some years he came back in the reserves and I ran into him in Bagram in 2003. I think he managed to hit Iraq, too.


My father remembers some little shit (who may not have even been a student) trying to ‘shut down’ the University of Tennessee (Knoxville) when he went back to college after serving an enlistment with the Army. I don’t know if this was just a UT thing or common elsewhere, but UT evidently had a higher-than-normal ratio of returning GI-Bill students versus regular ones, and the former soldiers really were in no mood to play silly buggers with the SDS-wannabes.

Jim Scrummy

This is why I never read the NYT. Though the Sunday Edition make a great outdoor fire starter.


A great many of these types run our government and schools today.

They wish to see American’s killed, not just soldiers, as long as it’s not them.

They think they will be spared if it comes to American’s dying because they aren’t Americans.

I had a friend who was a draft dodger, duel citizenship Venezuela, he always said he was a communist.

I went in the military and he went to college I struggled to get by afterwards and he inherited his fathers Venezuelan HQ based business in agriculture watering equipment, he did well, never could get him to hire me on though. Such a good friend, even called me a baby killer once, in jest of course.

The Venezuelan State nationalized his business, took it all from him and he died shortly after of a heart attack, seems being a lip service communist doesn’t take in consideration the effects and actions of real Communist.

R. I. P lefty.