Hi, this is Brendan, Hognose’s brother. I wanted to let you know that Hognose is dealing with a serious medical situation and has had to step away from the blog. He cannot answer email or texts or take calls at this time.
I am not planning to post or moderate comments during this time and I will not be providing details here.
Hognose loves you guys, but I feel certain he would not want all the details of his situation shared with everyone. However, I do want to reach out to his many friends who know him beyond his status as a blogger, especially anyone who comes here and served with him in the Army or knows him from one of his many other activities over the years.
For that reason, I have set up an email account at [email protected]. Please email to that account if you are a personal friend of Hognose’s. You can prove this by including his first and last name and a detail about how you know each other. I will write back with more detail.
Please respect his and my wishes and:
- Do email [email protected] if you are a personal friend of Hognose.
- Do not if you only know him by reading the blog.
- Do not try to email, text or call him directly. I mean, you can, but he won’t answer.
- Do not comment on this post. I won’t be monitoring comments.
- Do keep him in your prayers. His situation is really quite serious.
- If you know other friends of Hognose who may not be WeaponsMan readers, please let them know they can contact me through the email address shown above.
Brendan (aka KevsBlogBrother)

Kevin was a former Special Forces weapons man (MOS 18B, before the 18 series, 11B with Skill Qualification Indicator of S). His focus was on weapons: their history, effects and employment. He started WeaponsMan.com in 2011 and operated it until he passed away in 2017. His work is being preserved here at the request of his family.
122 thoughts on “Update on Hognose”
Get well soon!
Praying for your complete recovery.
Praying for a speedy recover. Looking forward to your return.
Don’t need to know the details.
Just best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Best wishes, man. Get well soon.
Speedy recovery, Hognose!
I do hope he is alright.
Best wishes from Wyoming.
Second that also from WY.
Get well soon,
3 of us Cowboy Staters. 82701. Angels who’ve watched out for brother Hognose before, get back to work.
So sorry to hear. Sending prayers and wishes for a swift and full recovery!
Praying for a full and swift recovery.
Prayers from Arkansas
And from Australia..,
Another from oz
And California.
And from Florida
And Western South Dakistan…
And from India…..
and from Arizona
And Indiana…
get well soon brother.
and from England.
Canada right here
And from the People’s Republic of Seattle. Get well soon.
And from Northern Ireland. Get well soon Hognose.
And Missouri
… also Ohio.
All the best to you and the whole family, including small dog. I don’t know Hognose, but this website has been one of my daily joys since I found it years ago. Hope we can hear some good news soon.
While I don’t know Hognose personally I feel that I do somehow through his writing. He will be in our thoughts and prayers as we hope for a timely recovery.
yeah, total recovery and good health!
Get well soon,best wishes from the midlands of Hampster.
Prayers & best wishes for full recovery.
We’re praying for you. Get well soon!
Beaucoup prayers and best wishes. Get well asap soldier.
Get better Hognose! I will offer up my prayers at Mass today for you.
I’m saddened to hear this. Although Brendan stated that neither he nor Hognose will be reading the comments, I still want to extend best wishes and a very sincere hope that Hognose recovers and gets well very soon.
Hognose, Wishing you all the best for a speedy and full recovery from whatever ails you. Best Wishes.
Prayers for him and his family.
Prayers for Hognose’s recovery! Get well soon!
Oh no! Agree with everyone else’s comments. Prayers for you Hognose!
I read this site daily, the commentors are generally sincere and add to the well written knowledgeable blog.
Thanks Hognose.
Get well and write that book.
Prayers from Florida!
Prayers from the Wine Country for a quick and complete recovery.
Praying for your full and complete recovery and return to good health!
Be well boss.
Wishing you a swift and successful resolution.
Prayers to you from Colorado!
Great read daily. Hognose if you need anything, let us know!
Best wishes for a quick recovery from Teutonistan. Get well soon, Hognose!
Tennessee sends its best for your speedy recovery. You have more friends than you can imagine.
Sweden seconds all of the above.
As does Poland! Wishing our Host complete and speedy recovery!
Also from the Volunteer state, and Tennessee West- Alabama, that is.
You’re in my prayers, mate. Get well soon.
Best wishes from northern Canadastan.
Prayers out from Oklahoma. Hope to see you back and healthy soon.
Get well soon!
Just let that medical condition know that she will have to face a lot of angry, armed people if she just dares to hold you any longer than strictly necessary.
Praying for you and all concerned.
Get well soon!
I’ll be keeping you in my prayers, Hognose.
Email or call if I can be of service. Praying.
I am forced, in this one case, to disobey orders to not reply to the above post.
Best wishes, Hognose, for a full and rapid recovery, such that you are soon ready in all respects.
There is too much going on, too much to do, and not enough time in which to do it all. We can’t have you off duty longer than strictly necessary.
Goddess Bless, and Happy Easter regardless.
Get well soon HN. Best wishes from Nevada for a speedy recovery.
WM is one of my 2 most favorite net reading/learning experiences, not to mention getting banned, un-banned, then banned again. For the good of White Western Civilization, I am hoping Hognose gets all the way well and very soon.
I pray that Hognose receives a higher level of care than that provided by the VA.
Been busy, so haven’t been able to really keep track of things, and when I get a break in the action, this is what I find.
Hognose, I hope you get better soon, and aren’t going through anything too terrible in the first place. Best of wishes to you and Small Dog MkII.
Lighting a candle for a swift and easy recovery.
Wishing you all the best. Praying for your recovery.
Get well soon. May God bless you and your family.
I have a home & business in Hampton NH if I can be of help or a resource for anything you need. Please don’t be bashful.
Rick,am working some gigs in Laconia and can if helpful also take a little time out,get well soon Hog!
Get well soon!
Best wishes and prayers from Phoenix. May the Lord answer everyone’s prayers as Transmission Recieved in the blessing of Hognose’s recovery.
It goes against my grain to disregard the request of a family member to not post any comments, but inasmuch as many of the regulars here have done so already, I suppose there’s no harm.
Hog, I’m praying for you old buddy. Come back soon.
Yes, very, very reluctant to comment. But perhaps, “If you ain’t cheatin’, you’re not trying.” applies?
Prayers and best wishes to Our Humble Blogger. And small dog mkII.
God speed and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. Best wishes, Hognose and family, from South Carolina.
I read several blogs, but I look forward to this one each day. I’m neither friend nor family, so I won’t trouble the other site, but on this one, prayers & wishes for a speedy return to health & mission capability to Hognose. I imagine SDM2 requires his presence in a recliner, as well.
Get well Hognose , I don’t know you personally but have great respect for you and enjoy this blog every day.
Best of wishes to you, Hognose. I’m not normally a praying man but I damn well will be doing so for you.
Prayers from Rome on the Potomac.
Prayers for rapid healing and recovery from Eastern Washington.
I hope the healing is as painless as possible – get well soon.
Prayers for Hognose and wishes for a pain free recovery.
All the best wishes for a speedy recovery. You have been added to the prayer list.
KevsBlogBro, please keep us in the loop if there is anything the blog community can do, apart from the personal community. WM/Kev is our brother too.
May it pass quickly. North Carolina sends.
Ditto all the above from Escondido, CA.
Prayers sent .
Best Wishes from Bragg. Get better and get back.
Go raibh biseach ort gan mhoill.
Get well soon Hognose.
And if needed, please don’t hesitate to add a “donate” button to the blog.
Brother, prayers out for your speedy recovery.
One of my favorite blogmeisters and sites.
Professional Soldiers.com is pulling for you, too.
Brendan, thanks for letting us know. Thoughts and prayers for you and yours. Semper Fi
Prayers from Alaska
Prayers for a recovery, prayers for your family thru this tuff time. From Slower Lower Delaware.
Best wishes for a full recovery from down here in darkest Dixieland.
Prayers from Williamsburg Virginia
I’m saying a prayer for you from Northwstern Oregon. I know your brother said not to bother, but we all want something for you to read when you get the chance.
Thank you for the update, we’ll hope and pray our favorite soldier-blogger recovers soon! God be with him, a very talented, dedicated, man of true men.
Praying for your full and swift recovery.
I have friends in high places. I will ask for help.
Hognose, I join the rest of the crew here wishing you well and praying for your speedy recovery.
-John M.
More best wishes from Down Under. Get well soon.
From Florida, prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery!
I’m praying for your recovery. You’re sorely missed. Get well sir, get well.
From Connecticut,
Steve M.
I know they’re not getting passed along, but all these comments speak to the quality of the blog and the man behind it.
Best wishes from, of all places, Massachusetts.
102 responses in four days.
I’m proud of you folks; we’re clearly a bunch of non-conformists who can’t follow instructions.
I’m hoping his Hoginess finds out about this before he comes back to the blog (hopefully somebody clicking through here is on the inner circle, unlike the rest of us humble electronic acquaintances, and will pass it along when possible), and I hope he’s able to return soon.
You know how it is. Some of us always gotta try and skate uphill.
Best wishes from Alabama, and get well soon, Hognose!
If you are not cheating, you are not trying…
There never was much discipline in the ranks here….
So prayers up!
Hey Aesop and John D.—-laughing at both of your comments. I keep checking in every day to see if there is any news, any good news on Hog. Yeah, none of us follows orders very well do we?
Best wishes and speedy recovery from former Czechoslovakia 🙂
Elaine, it was more like a set of guidelines…
I just consider this a electronic “Get Well Soon”card,when Hog is back up and running will enjoy it,so Hog,Get Well!
I’m a libertarian gun nut. I don’t listen well.
Praying to all things Holy that our favorite CZ expert blogger bounces back.
Yike! Take a couple days away from the Internet and look what happens.. Hognose, take care and know we’re all out here pulling for ya!
Add my best, and fervent, wishes for a speedy, complete recovery.
Wishing for a speedy recovery, Hognose!
Prayers are with you for a speedy recovery
More prayers from the Lone Star State. Get well soon, sir.
I was gone for the weekend so I’m a bit late, but it looks like we all hope for your speedy recovery. Take care and get well soon
Waited for a while to add my sincere best wishes for Hognose, and agree that we are not following orders, also that not cheating ain’t trying. Want him to get back to learning me about CZs, which I never knew were so interesting, and I’m sure SDMKII needs some recliner time.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the the middle of flyover country.
Just in case it becomes an issue or is a useful bit of info- and, hopefully, like an umbrella carried on a maybe day, it won’t be needed.
I’m blood group Type A Positive. Gave blood at the Red Cross 2 months ago, so I’m tested clean.
Anybody know the Hogsnouted one’s blood type? Doesn’t really matter, I reckon this crew would give to anyone who needed it.
Just heard he passed. A sad day. He’ll be missed.