That was the week that was TW3

In the last TW3 we got up, for Week 33, we wrote that we’re “so far behind that whole bunches of Matinees and TW3s are not up yet.” That hasn’t changed but we did get the TW3 up this week, more or less on time (you’re reading it, right?) and, will wonders never cease, we not only got a Saturday Matinee up, but a 2,000 word monster of a Saturday Matinee, about a movie as big in its ambition, and daunting in its inaccessibility, as China herself.

When this initially goes live, the links will be dead. We’ll gradually liven them up.

The Boring Statistics

This week’s output was, measured by word count, light normal: around 13,700. We only put up 18 posts, less than normal. We continue to plan for three posts a day, six days a week, and a trivial Sunday post. Comments tied last week at 74; we were impressed by the quality of the posts.  The average post was about 750 words, and the median was close to the mean for a change.

Most Commented Post of the Week

In this case, nothing else could compete with the tale of the kiddie-diddling Major General (Gilbert & Sullivan must be looking down in absolute horror). He’s going to have plenty of time to contemplate the square of the hypotenuse where he’s going; he might not be able to do all ten years, at age 71, but hey, it gives him something to strive for. That post drew 16 comments, and the runner up, about some wretched white supremacist criminals in New Hampshire, drew 12 — including a surprisingly tame discussion of race and IQ. But then, our commenters rock.

We’d be remiss if we didn’t note that commenter Daniel E Watters corrected us on a gun-ID quiz, and many commenters caught our brain-dead error (reporting an M249 as an M240). We’re lucky to have such sharp-eyed, and just plain sharp, readers.

The Week in Posts

Here’s the recap of our posts for this week:

Again, these will be linked later. We wanted to get this post up before next week.

How we did on last week’s promises

Pretty awesome as we didn’t make any promises, so whatever we did is all good. Well, we did say two weeks ago we

[S]till owe the technical post on Bull’s HARP, we’re going to discuss the .40 S&W a little, and we have a horror story from an anti-gun state that makes the kid run in for dummy ammo in Mass look like crimefighting at its best. We also haven’t done a WWWW in a while (that’s Wednesday Weapons Website of the Week for those who are not naturally acronymble).

So of those four promises in the Week 35 TW3, we accomplished two in Week 34 (the .40 post, The Problem with .40, and a WWWW,  Wednesday Weapons Website of the Week: We didn’t get to the horror story post (which is from NJ) or the Bull opus, so they roll over. And while we got the Matinee and TW3 this week, we missed the WWWW.

For Next Week

Our goal remains to post three times a day, six days a week, and more specifically  one gun-tech post and one SOF, UW, or war-related post up daily. We promise, along with the rolled-over posts from two weeks back, to give you a WWWW, a Saturday Matinee, and a TW3 before the week ends at midnight Saturday. What’s more we’re going way out on a limb to promise one back Matinee — at least. And this a short, holiday week!

This entry was posted in Administrivia on by Hognose.

About Hognose

Former Special Forces 11B2S, later 18B, weapons man. (Also served in intelligence and operations jobs in SF).

2 thoughts on “That Was the Week that Was: 2013 Week 35


Your Son Tay colt retro build post inspired some good personal research for me on the history of the raid. Very satisfying and made me wonder if the navigational blunder that landed the one group at the “secondary school” barracks was in fact intentional as payback for the meddling countries involved in proxy war, and that the missing prisoners were known to have been moved and were simply a cover for the action. Food for thought.

Hognose Post author

If it was that deep of an op, even the shooters were unaware. I was able to work closely with some Raiders later on, and not-so-closely with others, and to a man they were crushed that the site was a dry hole. A lot of pleasure was taken in the elimination of the large hive of third-nation personnel, but that pleasure was primarily afterward, once they knew that they’d gotten away without serious casualties (one man wounded, a couple injured in the Blue Boy element deliberate crash-landing).

At this time, the US was keenly aware that some activities in NVN were run almost entirely by foreigners. These included some logistics efforts and air defense.