Where to shoot a deer with a 223 rifle

Where to Shoot a deer with a 223 AR-15 Rifle

The best place to shoot a deer with a .223 is the same as any other rifle—close to your truck! AR-15 Rifles are becoming more common and many hunters and gun owners who have one may wonder if its possible to use the rifle to hunt deer. Since .223 and .556 ammo are not common …

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Diamondback AR-15 Problems

Diamondback AR-15 Problems [& Fixes]

In this piece, we’re going to talk about Diamondback Firearms’ AR15 rifles. Specifically, we cover four problems that users have documented in these rifles and some fixes for those problems. But first, a little context on the company. Diamondback Firearms is an American-based gun company that has been in operation since 1989. They make a …

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Henry 45-70 Problems & solutions

Henry 45 70 Problems [& Solutions]

If you have a Henry .45-70 rifle or are looking to purchase one, its good to be informed as to what kind of issues you might face. There are a ton of great things to praise about this weapon. Though many of the best firearms on the market are not always flawless. The Henry .45-70 …

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11 Best AR 15 Rifles in 2024 [REVIEWED]

What’s the best AR15 that’s on the market today? Because there are so many good AR 15 rifles out there, we’ll recommend ten of the best ar 15 rifles that we can think of for various purposes, and then two budget options that we’d be proud to own and shoot if you’re wanting to not …

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AK47 vs AR15 Comparison

AK47 vs AR15 | Which is better?

In the century-long history of the “assault rifle” as a concept, there are two that stand out – the AK 47 and the AR 15. While the two rifles were developed at the same time and had the same general concept behind them, their design philosophies and tactical implementations, at least originally, could not be …

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Ruger 10/22 Model Comparison

Ruger 10/22 | Model Guide & Review

Today, we’re going to take a look at one of the most popular firearms on the American market, the Ruger 10/22. This .22 long rifle, offered in a variety of styles and configurations, is one of our favorite weapons to shoot, so we’re happy to introduce you to it today.  Here, we’re going to go …

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.30-30 vs. .30-06 Comparison Which rifle is better?

30-30 vs 30-06 | Which is better?

In North American deer hunting clubs, there’s no shortage of popular sporting cartridges to choose from. While modern cartridges such as the .307 Winchester and the 6.5 Creedmoor are often used with newer hunting rifles by deer hunters, two of America’s oldest hunting cartridges are also still brought to the field despite each being well …

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Ruger PC Carbine 40 S&W

Ruger PC Carbine Problems

The Ruger PC Carbine is a pistol-caliber rifle released in late 2017, typically chambered for 9 mm Luger or 40 S&W ammunition and comes in a variety of styles and configurations. It works with popular Glock magazines and is straightforward to fire and operate. Add to that affordability and you’ve got a great target shooting …

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9mm Lever Action Rifle

Do 9mm Lever Action Rifles Exist?

In the past few years, we’ve noticed that more and more people are getting into lever-action rifles. Whether it’s from some nostalgia about the old west or liking these often fun to shoot and practice rifles, lever actions seem to be having somewhat of a moment in the firearms market. Of course, since a lot …

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Remington 597 being fired from a mount on a table

Remington 597 Recall & Issues

The Remington 597 is one of those firearms that seems like it was only around for a moment, and has been more or less washed aside by the tide of firearms history. Today, we’re going to look at this .22 rifle that has seen something of a resurgence in aftermarket popularity, several years after its …

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